Our Mission
Who We Are
C.D. Wright
Conference Information
2023 Conference
2022 Conference
2022 Call for Proposal
2022 Submit a Proposal
2021 Submit a Proposal
2020 Conference Information
2019 Conference Information
2019 Schedule
2018 Schedule
2018 Presenter Information
2017 Schedule
2017 Conference Details
Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award
Contest Information
The deadline for stipend and contest submissions for 2020 is Saturday, August 15.
Needs-Based Stipend
Any female-identifying writers who consider themselves in financial need may apply. Applicants are asked to provide details of their need and should specify whether they are seeking funds to cover registration, lodging, and/or travel. Please provide a clear narrative that describes why you are requesting a stipend, along with a specific budget for your needs. Stipends are not guaranteed, and any amounts awarded will vary based on recipient needs. Stipend checks will be distributed at the conference, and can not be mailed in advance. Questions should be directed to the director at
[email protected]
To submit your application, please use the form below. If you have any difficulty using the form, please email the director at
[email protected]
Indicates required field
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Zip Code
In 400 words or fewer, explain the circumstances of your specific situation that demonstrate your financial need. Specify the costs for which you seek assistance, giving estimated amounts for travel and lodging if you request funds beyond the $100 conference registration. You might explain issues of employment, cost of living, dependents, unusual or unexpected expenses for yourself and/or your family, or any other issues you feel relevant to our decision-making.
Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award
As part of its mission to promote the work and careers of women writers, the C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference is excited to sponsor the Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award, which celebrates conference attendees whose writing shows considerable promise. First, second, and third place winners will receive a monetary prize ($500, $250, and $100 respectively) and will be invited to read their work during a special awards panel held during the conference.
Any female-identifying writers* who have registered for the conference (or who have applied for a stipend) and consider themselves to be an emerging writer in their respective field or genre may apply for consideration.
*Current UCA students and employees are not eligible for the Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award.
Submission Guidelines:
Eligible conference attendees should complete the Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award Form and attach one piece of writing, not to exceed 25 pages in length. Any and all fields and genres are accepted. If submitting poetry, blog posts, editorial columns, or another genre that tends to be short in length, entrants may submit up to three pieces of writing in one file, provided the submission does not exceed the 25-page limit. Please do not send more than one longer piece or three short pieces (within the 25-page limit). Work that has been previously published is accepted.
There is no entrance fee, though award entrants must have already registered (or applied for a stipend) for the 2019 C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference.
A committee of women writers from literary, professional, and academic writing will judge the contest. They will evaluate submissions based on the promise each piece shows in its individual discipline.
To submit your application, please use the form below. If you have any difficulty using the form, please email the director at
[email protected]
Indicates required field
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Zip Code
Choose One: All entries will be compared to registration records or records of stipend applications before entries will be forwarded to the judges.
Applied for Stipend
Format of Submission
Fiction - short story
Fiction - chapter
Non-Fiction - essay
Non-Fiction - chapter
Non-Fiction - blog
Non-Fiction - newspaper or magazine article
Non-Fiction - manual, instructions, or other professional work
If you selected "Other," please specify.
In 300 words or fewer, describe what makes you an emerging writer in your field. You might describe your education level, your publication history, your field's publication rates, or any other issues you feel are relevant.
Provide a biographical summary (50 words or fewer) that may be used in promotional materials, printed programs, and session introductions.
Our Mission
Who We Are
C.D. Wright
Conference Information
2023 Conference
2022 Conference
2022 Call for Proposal
2022 Submit a Proposal
2021 Submit a Proposal
2020 Conference Information
2019 Conference Information
2019 Schedule
2018 Schedule
2018 Presenter Information
2017 Schedule
2017 Conference Details
Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award